Tip Tuesday! Hungry Hungry Hippos!
Anyway, my son was with me when I bought it and he became so excited, he said we had to give it to dad as a present last Christmas. So my husband got “just what he’s always wanted”! Ha.
My son became OBSESSED with Hungry Hungry Hippos! For weeks we played it many nights after dinner. He still will ask to play it often now.
Playing at home is great but using my thrifty find for therapy is even BETTER! The kids love it! It’s loud, it’s motivation, and it’s great for keeping a child focused in therapy.
I like to use it by having the child practice as many stimulus cards or sounds as the number of marbles MY hungry hippo eats (as I tend to be a more accurate operator of the hippos resulting in more trials with every game). Plus its motivating for them when they “somehow” win a game or two and only have to practice a few stimulus words (wink, wink)!
I also place ALL the marbles on the game (doesn’t matter if we have 2 or 4 players)…the more marbles=more trials! And my kids LOVE it!
I ALSO really like to use Busy Bee Speech’s Hungry Hippos Artic (its a freebie you can download) in conjunction with the game as appropriate! Check it out at the link above.
Anyway, I love my thrift store finds!!!! Have you had any luck thrift store or consignment shopping lately?
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