Tag Archives: Autism

Tip Tuesday! DIR/Floortime, P.L.A.Y. Project: What’s it all about?

Chevron boarder:  http://coffeekidsandcompulsivelists.blogspot.com.au/ Today I’d like to explore two other therapeutic models for working with children with ASD:  Greenspan’s DIR model and Dr. Solomon’s P.L.A.Y. project. Disclaimer:  Please understand I am not an expert in either of these models but am attempting to simply share what I have learned via my own research for the […]

FREEBIE Friday: GIVEAWAY and Sensory Tips for Children with SPD!

This month we are talking all about Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Many children on the Autism spectrum will exhibit sensory processing issues also known as sensory processing disorder (SPD).  Today I have a wonderful educational FREEBIE using information from Angie Voss’ fabulous, newly updated book, Understanding Your Child’s Sensory Signals: Keep it real.  Keep it sensory.  Keep […]

Wild Wednesday! ASD: Sensory First!

I know I’ve talked about a sensory diet for our kiddos with ASD but I want to take this moment just to once again highlight why we as SLPs MUST be involved in understanding our clients’ sensory needs. EVERYTHING begins with sensory input.  ALL learning occurs only through our senses.  So if our child has […]

Tip Tuesday! Autism and a Sensory Diet!

Disclaimer:  I am an SLP, NOT an OT and not the specialist in the area of sensory processing.  I share this information below for the sole purpose of education as a very brief overview of this area of treatment for children with ASD.  If you would like more information on this subject, go to the […]

Wild Wednesday! ASD: Wait Them Out!

Today I’d like to talk about RESPONSE TIME. As we know already, children with ASD have different sensory processing systems.  Because of this, many times children with ASD are busy “processing” sensory information before they can possibly begin to process the words we are speaking to them. So what do we do?  The same thing […]

Tip Tuesday! Using a Penny Board for children with ASD!

Chevron boarder:  http://coffeekidsandcompulsivelists.blogspot.com.au/ Last week we talked a little bit about ONE (and I stress only 1) technique of MANY that can be used to teach children with ASD, discrete trial training (DTT).  Today I want to show you how I use some of the principles of DTT in a more functional way in the […]

Wild Wednesday! ASD: Back OFF!!!

Years ago I was working my with a 4 year old diagnosed with ASD.  It was the first therapy day of the school year and I was working in a new school, so this was my first time meeting this little cutie. With the early childhood teacher’s cue, he walked over to me (looking every […]

Tip Tuesday: ASD and DTT!

Chevron boarder:  http://coffeekidsandcompulsivelists.blogspot.com.au/ As April is Autism Awareness Month, I thought over the next four weeks, I would take time to write about one of things I LOVE about being an SLP, working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)!  I know many of you SLPs reading this out there are familiar with many of […]

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