Shaving cream play…a great way to facilitate language!

During the summer, I had a playgroup at my house and it was ALL about sensory fun!  We had shaving cream EVERYWHERE…

…in our sensory table with some cars…

…in an infant wading pool with some foam blocks…
(As you can see we had some pirates and Frankenstein grace us with their presence at this play date!)

…even in some Tupperware with paintbrushes so the kids could paint on my windows (which of course meant they needed water squirters to clean it off and do it again!!!).  

And oh the wonderful language that was used that day to describe what they were doing, what they were making, and how they were doing it!  

So you all know what this means for my clients don’t you?  Some lucky parent will be washing some shaving cream off of their child soon enough…once the weather gets nice again and we can spend some quality time outside!

I have a sneaky suspicion that sensory table with saving cream and cars will show up again…maybe with some laminated stimulus cards hidden in it!  Hmmmm….who knows what else this old brain will think of!  I guess you’ll just have to wait and find out come spring and summer.  I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

P.S.  This is what my bathroom looked like that night after cleaning the shaving cream off of ALL the foam blocks!  SO WORTH IT!
Happy Talking!!!