Learning to Wait! A Social Story
Social Stories are often used to teach social skills to persons with various disabilities and disorders (the most well known being persons with ASD-Austism Spectrum Disorders). I personally LOVE social stories for ALL children no matter what their diagnosis! Why, you ask? For several reasons:
1. Social stories are usually short, clear and concise.
2. Social stories target a specific social skill.
3. Social stories explain the behaviors you want the child to exhibit.
4. Social stories have visuals to aid in comprehension and learning!
I created this simple social story about waiting because that is one of the first skills children I work on when children return from their long summer break. Enjoy!
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**For personal use ONLY! NOT for redistribution! Communication Station: Speech Therapy, PLLC reserves the creative rights to all materials created and released via communicationstationspeechtx.blogspot.com**
Happy Talking!
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