FREEBIE Friday: Springtime Directions Coloring Sheets


When I saw these adorable graphics on I knew I HAD to find a way to use them.  I thought what better way than to create a fun simple directions coloring sheet.  Pretty easy for me when traveling from client to client and perfect for traveling SLPs who don’t have the ability to carry a number of different materials.  Just grab these sheets and a box of crayons and you are off!  This activity can be used to target receptive language and auditory processing skills via following direction or simply use it as a reinforcement activity for any speech or language goals.  Best part? Our kiddos get to take home their masterpiece once complete!

Grab your freebie here!

Enjoy! Happy talking and coloring!

Note:  An error was found on one of these sheets and corrected on 4/29/14. The link to the corrected version is shared above. Thank you.

