FREEBIE Friday means FRENZY TIME!!!!

Frenzy today pic-purple

Today’s FREEBIE Friday is part of an AWESOME SLP FB FRENZY that begins TODAY and lasts through 1/27. You can download 20+ freebies just by starting on my FB page, clicking on the FRENZY tab at the top of my page that looks like this….

SLP Frenzy Tab


…and follow the directions to download and move on to the next FB page.  Frenzies are a loop so you can begin on any FB page and you will still have access to all the freebies by following the loop!

Why types of freebies will be offered?  We have a plethora of awesome freebies for:

  • Social Skills

  • Language

  • Articulation

  • Apraxia

  • Thematic Lessons/Units

  • Book Companions

  • Reading Comprehension


You might see some freebies for:

  • Valentine’s Day

  • Winter Games/World Games

  • St. Patrick’s Day (maybe…not sure on this one)

  •  and the Winter season


There are so many goodies you won’t know what to do with them all!!! 

Who is participating?  Check out the Frenzy map below!!!! Click on the Frenzy Map below and it will take you to a document where you can link to each FB page if you need to. 

 Frenzy map

Have an awesome FREEBIE FRENZY FRIDAY!!!!!
