This freebie goes along with my Tip Tuesday post this week (Part 3 of this series) on how to create a treatment plan for nonverbal PK children with typical hearing and vision.
Below I created a quick guide on how I write goals and objectives using the child’s functional communication system. I have a list of several skills I attempt to teach with regard to social skills (including play) as well as receptive and expressive language skills.
This is by NO MEANS a comprehensive list, just a glimpse of some of the more common goals I write for the child while they are using their functional communication system (whatever that may be). This information is meant as guide only!
When writing goals I use this equation:
Skill + Setting + Context + Cuing/Assistance + Measurement+ Data Collection + Duration = Measurable Goal
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So a few completed examples of a short term objective I would write would be (using the format above):
Johnny will use total communication (i.e. picture exchange system, gestures, vocalizations, sign language, etc.) when responding to peers’ greetings in the classroom setting with minimal or no cues (0-25% OTT) 1 time during arrival and departure of the school day as recorded by teacher data collection/report for 3 consecutive data collection days.
Johnny will demonstrate an increase in receptive vocabulary by pointing/reaching/choosing the correct object/photograph/picture of objects and/or actions in response to directions given by the SLP in a one-on-one or small group therapy setting during structured therapy tasks with moderate cues (~25-50% OTT) with 80% accuracy across 3 consecutive data collection days.
So that’s how I do it? How about you? What is your process or goal writing lingo? Feel free to share below!
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