FREEBIE Friday: Before/After Fill-in the Blank!










Firstly allow me to congratulate Elaine L., the winner of my Grand Opening of my store giveaway!  I have emailed you the item you chose from my store!  I hope you enjoy it!  I also would like to thank everyone who entered the giveaway and who are trying to keep up with this transition!  Many thanks to you all!


Ok…back to Freebie Friday!!!  A few weeks ago I shared one of my before/after materials I use for therapy (Before/After Events freebie).  I got a lot of feedback from many of you about needing more before/after materials.  So today I’m sharing with you my Before/After Fill-in the Blank sheet.  It consists of 20 sequenced events where only one word (before or after) will fit in the blank to create a logical sentence.  

The nice thing about this sheet is you can send it home for homework or you can have students (readers) work on this sheet individually or in pairs while you work individually with another student in group therapy.  All but the last sentence are about events most children should be familiar with.  I added a football reference in the last sentence for my boys and girls who love football!

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