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Grandparents Day Craft/Card: A simple language activity!

  Making a craft together with your child is a GREAT way to facilitate language.  Your child learns the function of craft objects as well as several simple vocabulary words (“stickers, construction paper, scissors, glue, markers, paint, painbrushes, etc”  as well as color names)!  In addition, you can practice following simple one-step directions, multi-step directions, and/or directions using location concepts (using […]

Dinosaur WH?s Game

In lieu of the beginning of the school year, I thought one way to make it a DINOmite year would be to make a few fun Dinosaur speech and language games!!!  Here’s the first one.  Download, print and enjoy! **Remember ANY language activity can be used for articulation and fluency practice!  Ask your speech therapist […]

Articulation Resources Online!

I don’t believe in reinventing the wheel and when I find some amazing resources for FREE online I just have to SHARE them! blogger, Rebecca Visintin, has AMAZING articulation resources.  These materials could be used for articulation (sound production) practice, phonological awareness (sound identification, sound/syllable blending or counting, etc.), and vocabulary development! Ms. Visintin has created […]

Back to School Categories Game!

If your child/children are working on vocabulary development, describing objects by their attributes or category identification and organization, this simple game is for you!  In honor of Back to School week, I made this simple category game of home vs. school items.  Here are just a few simple ideas on how you could use this […]

Ask a Speech Therapist!

Ask a Speech Therapist! This page is for parents and educators who have questions about communication skills and/or your child’s development as it regards to his or her communication skills.  Feel free to ask your questions in the comment section below and I will attempt to answer them as best I can.

Ten Ways to Facilitate Communication Skills Through Music!

  Using music as a means to improve communication skills is not a new concept.  If you walk into any preschool classroom across the country you will learn that singing children’s songs is a daily occurrence and for good reason. In addition to other numerous benefits, listening to and signing children’s songs encourages development in […]

Is My Child Delayed?

Many times I get questions from parents wanting to know “At what age should my child be doing…?”  Here is an attempt to answer those questions for you.  Hearing and Communication milestones are taken and adapted from the ASHA (American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association) website.  If when answering the questions below you find that your child has not […]

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