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Marshmallow Surprise! A reinforcer game FREEBIE!

 Marshmallow Surprise is just a fun little reinforcement game that can be used for all goals.  Each child/student gets their own cup of “hot cocoa”, and after numerous trials focusing on your child’s individual goals, he/she chooses a game card to see how many real marshmallows he/she can add to the cup of cocoa.  The […]

My New Year’s Resolutions for 2013!

It’s that time again…time to make some New Year’s resolutions.  I tend to be very cautious of making resolutions mostly because I tend to decide to do the impossible and make changes that are fueled by a place of vanity rather than a place of hope and love.  So this year…I’m going to simplify…try and […]

Playing in the snow!!!

Did I ever tell you that my husband and I are originally from the east coast?  Well we are and we decided to take a trip back east to see the family this holiday.  We must have had luck on our side as we flew just between two snow storms and made it to the east coast yesterday…just in […]

SLP blogger Chain Letter Link-Up

Teach Speech 365 started this chain letter link-up in order to connect various speech and language bloggers and their fan base to other bloggers.  The wealth of information on speech and language therapy services and ideas grows with each additional blogger.  Please check out these mentioned blogs to find more information! Let’s Talk Speech-Language Pathology invited me […]

A Perfect Processing Christmas: Auditory Memory Recall!

The final Auditory Processing FREEBIE this week is an   Auditory Memory Recall activity which is separated into three specific skills: 1) digit recall, 2) word recall, 3) sentence recall.  Each card has 3 levels of complexity.   Download your copy at the bottom of this blog.  Children with auditory processing deficits will sometimes struggle […]

A Perfect Processing Christmas: Listening for Key Words

Today’s Auditory Processing FREEBIE:  Listening for Key Words!  Many children with auditory processing difficulties cannot process complex auditory information.  This task teaches your student/child to listen only for the key words (i.e. most content laden words) that will help him/her understand and recall information presented.  Feel free to use the answer choices or have your […]

A Perfect Processing Christmas: Auditory Closure Activities

Another Processing FREEBIE:  Auditory Closure Exercises!  This task trains a child with auditory processing difficulties to listen to a statement, or story and use the context to complete the statement with the missing word.  You can have your students/child try to complete the sentences independently or add the answer choices for those who cannot independently […]

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