Archive / Stuttering/Fluency

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Tip Tuesday: Can We Get Rid of the Idea of “Controlling” Stuttering Please?

I know the title of this blog post sounds harsh but can we all just agree to unite as SLPs and decide that we will work hard to educate fellow co-workers, parents, educators, psychologists, doctors, and other professionals that the age-old idea of “controlling” a stutter is obsolete?  Studies have been revealed over and over again […]

My child started stuttering. Is this normal?

Stuttering (what we SLPs term “fluency), is a common concern for parents particularly when their children are between the ages of 2-6 years.  Firstly, let me remind parents that it is typical for children between these ages to exhibit periods of dysfluency.  Why does this happen?  Many theorize that often a child’s language develops much faster than his/her ability to control oral […]

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