Archive by Author

Tongue Thrust Part 2: Prevention

Parents, Early Childhood and PK teachers and SLPs…this blog is written especially for YOU! As previously established, a tongue thrust is an abnormal swallow pattern where one’s tongue pushes against or between the front teeth during a swallow.  “The average person swallows 2000-4000 times per day and exerts pressure of about 1-6 pounds with each swallow”, […]

Tongue Thrust: A Remediation Program!

PLEASE NOTE THIS PROGRAM IS NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE! I came across a question about tongue thrust and how to determine what makes an appropriate therapy client, and I thought maybe I could help address that question here.  Below is information regarding remediation of tongue thrust.  Click here for further information on prevention and assessment. Firstly, lets […]

Grandparents Day Craft/Card: A simple language activity!

  Making a craft together with your child is a GREAT way to facilitate language.  Your child learns the function of craft objects as well as several simple vocabulary words (“stickers, construction paper, scissors, glue, markers, paint, painbrushes, etc”  as well as color names)!  In addition, you can practice following simple one-step directions, multi-step directions, and/or directions using location concepts (using […]

Dinosaur Opposties Games!

Looking for a way to practice opposites???  Well here is a fun Dinosaur Opposites Bingo game just for you!!! *Dinosaur clip art from KPM Doodles!  Other pictures from…you guessed it…Boardmaker! Friendly reminder…all posted materials are for personal use only!* Boarmaker retains all copyrights to their symbols.  The Picture Communication Symbols ©1981–2010 by Mayer-Johnson LLC. All […]

Back to School with Phonological Awareness!

Are you ready to be back at school?  Is your child working on reading, letter/sound identification, or sound blending?  If so…this game is for you!  If focuses on short and long vowels and has an added initial sound closure activity at the end with school vocabulary words!  Just print and play!!!! *Graphic from Boardmaker Plus.  For […]

My child started stuttering. Is this normal?

Stuttering (what we SLPs term “fluency), is a common concern for parents particularly when their children are between the ages of 2-6 years.  Firstly, let me remind parents that it is typical for children between these ages to exhibit periods of dysfluency.  Why does this happen?  Many theorize that often a child’s language develops much faster than his/her ability to control oral […]

Dinosaur WH?s Game

In lieu of the beginning of the school year, I thought one way to make it a DINOmite year would be to make a few fun Dinosaur speech and language games!!!  Here’s the first one.  Download, print and enjoy! **Remember ANY language activity can be used for articulation and fluency practice!  Ask your speech therapist […]

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